
If you have made this far then you have deployed uDocs on vercel and have configured its webhooks and you are running it locally. You would notice that your website only supports two languages English and Chinese and it has only one version. You can add more languages and versions in your website.

Languages and Versions

There is file in your codebase settings.ts. You need to add language and version here. By default you will see two lanugages and one version like following

const languages: Language[] = [
  { id: 'en', title: 'English', isDefault: true, countryCode: 'US' },
  { id: 'zh-CN', title: '简体中文', countryCode: 'CN' },

const versions: Version[] = [{ id: 'v1', title: 'V1', isDefault: true }]

Process of add new languages and version is pretty straightforward you just need to add more objects in languages and versions array.


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